
Proactive defensive action against cyber criminals

Cyber Security

Cyber Threats and You

If you’re going to stay ahead in the war against cyber crime, the days of manually controlling your network are a thing of the past. Hackers will use any means necessary to jump into your network when they see vulnerabilities. The attack doesn’t have to come from the outside – the endeavors to align all good efforts at protection have become increasingly sophisticated. Cyber criminals invite themselves in through the front door by phishing attacks, malware etc. and depend on your network not being up to date and count on your team not being informed about these tactics.

At Decipher Tek, we take great pride in providing solutions that address all areas of potential breach so that when everyone knows what to watch out for, your entire team is part of the defensive process – making an even stronger fortress of protection for your network. Training, 24/7 deep-learning prescriptive and healing platforms, segmented backups with categorized user zones – all working in the background provide the foundation on which we build your secure network. Anything less signals an IT nightmare and does not match what you worked so hard for in building your company to this level.

Take the next step and build your network’s foundation so you can keep providing your core offering and not waste time trying to keep up with your IT infrastructure.


Threats & vulnerabilities

Deep Learning



Your network's foundation

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Voip Solutions

Managed Services

Managed Services

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Network support

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Computer support

We manage networks from small to medium size businesses to enterprise Level industries

Throughout the years of being a Value Added Reseller, we've come to know and expect a certain level of understanding with our clients that we will always provide the best solution that aligns with your company perspective. We don't expect your company to "fit" inside our canned products. We pride ourselves on finding out what your individual needs and industry-specific criteria demands and utilize these characteristics to find the best, most efficient solution for you.

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